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The ability to effectively deal with disasters is becoming more relevant because of factors that tend to increase risk. Unfortunately, there are recurring difficulties with disaster response....
Community, environment and disaster risk management, volume 1. This book portrays lessons from innovative urban risk management approaches in Asian cities, drawn from seven Asian countries. The...
This document presents details about a number of community-supported school construction projects across the World. Renderings, technical drawings and photographs are included.
The Emergency Capacity Building (ECB) pilot projects showcase the activities of three countries (Ethiopia, Guatemala and Indonesia) to identify models and promising practices for disaster risk...
Summary guidelines for Balochistan Earthquake emergency shelters as per the Shelter Cluster.
This winterisation strategy paper provides technical guidelines for the upgrading of non-winterized tents and for the use of shelter kits to reach minimal winterisation standards. It is the output...
A field visit report to assess the self recovery effort being carried out and the quality of self-built transitonal shelters in Korong Batu Gadang and Nagari Kurangi Hulu.
As the Global Shelter Cluster (GSC) moves forward from emergency to recovery programming, this report attempts to highlight some concerns linked to the legal and regulatory framework in the...
The overall goal of the emergency shelter cluster contingency plan is reduce vulnerability and support the resilience of affected people through timely and effective emergency shelter...
This document summarises discussions on the need for Transitional Shelter support during the upcoming rehabilitation and reconstruction phase by the Indonesian Government and agencies involved in...